Sunday, 11 September 2022

Dua To Make Husband Come Back To Wife

Dua To Make Husband Come Back To Wife

If the woman to have recourse to the dua take your husband to bring back, then you need to take care of the fact that you have complete in him confidence, but if at any point you seem to have in the dua no faith, then it might not work for you. Therefore, the Dua Make Husband Back is the wife coming is recommended, and also remember that when you pray you should be honest about what you would ask for.A few extra tips completely:
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Only full confidence in the dua and everything have to hold will fall in place. You can recommend to your friends who are going through a really hard time and have to work on their marital relationship. This will help them in many ways, for exampleExample three: It is also possible to have work for a woman who is about to divorce, but wants to settle down with the man, as he can all matters.Many people settling resort this dua take based on the status of the relationship. Example Two: If a woman stays with her husband but still finds that the man of interest loses it, then the Dua Make Husband Back must be taken to wife Come to the woman of the man's interest be used.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Google is under investigation in Australia

Google is under investigation in Australia following claims that it collects data from millions of Android smartphone users, who unwittingly pay their telecom service providers for gigabytes consumed by the activity, regulators said on Tuesday.

Responding to the latest privacy concerns surrounding Google, a spokesman for the US based search engine operator said the company has users’ permission to collect data.

“Any charges for transmission of data over a cellular connection, including any location-related data, would be governed by a user’s mobile carrier plan,” Google said in a statement. “The types and quantity of such data that a user’s device transmits would depend on the products or services they use, and in some cases a user’s settings,” it added.

The Australian investigations are set to focus on allegations made by Oracle in a report provided as part of an Australian review into the impact that Google, owned by Alphabet Inc, and Facebook have on the advertising market.

Both the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the country’s Privacy Commissioner said they were reviewing the report’s findings.

“The ACCC met with Oracle and is considering information it has provided about Google services,” said Geesche Jacobsen, a spokeswoman for the competition regulator.

“We are exploring how much consumers know about the use of location data and are working closely with the Privacy Commissioner.”
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Oracle, according to The Australian newspaper, said Alphabet receives detailed information about people’s internet searches and user locations if they have a phone that carries Android - the mobile operating system developed by Google.

Transferring that information to Google means using up gigabytes of data that consumers have paid for under data packages purchased from local telecom service providers, according to the Oracle report.

Reuters was unable to immediately verify the content of the Oracle report.

Data privacy advocates said many consumers are unlikely to understand what they agreed to when signing up to use a smartphone. Industry analysts estimate there are more than 10 million Android users in Australia.

“Some mobile plans may only include a few gigabytes of data so if Google is harvesting a gigabyte of data, it is a very real cost to consumers,” said David Vaile, chairman of the industry group, the Australian Privacy Foundation.

Australian telecommunications companies said they were seeking confirmation from Google on the allegations.

“We are aware of the reports in the media and we have asked Google to advise whether they are accurate,” a spokesman for Australia’s biggest telecom company Telsta said.

Earlier this year, social media giant Facebook apologised after web marketing firm Cambridge Analytica was accused of obtaining users’ data without permission for the 2016 election campaign of United States President Donald Trump.

Oracle has its own long-running dispute with Google. The US based software company is seeking royalties for Google’s use of some of the Java language, while Google argues it should be able to use Java without paying a .

source :

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Facebook dit que les publications avec violence graphique ont augmenté dans les premiers meilleurs outils de jardinage

 Le nombre de publications sur Facebook montrant des violences graphiques a augmenté au cours des trois premiers mois de l'année par rapport au trimestre précédent, probablement en raison de la guerre en Syrie, a annoncé mardi le réseau social dans sa première publication publique de ces données.

Facebook a déclaré dans un rapport écrit que sur 10 000 éléments de contenu visionnés au premier trimestre, environ 22 à 27 contenus contenaient de la violence graphique, contre 16 à 19 à la fin de l'année dernière.

La société a supprimé ou mis un écran d'avertissement pour violence graphique devant 3,4 millions de contenus au premier trimestre, soit près du triple des 1,2 million d'un trimestre plus tôt, selon le rapport.

Facebook ne sait pas tout à fait pourquoi les gens affichent plus de violence graphique, mais pense que la poursuite des combats en Syrie en est peut-être une, a déclaré Alex Schultz, vice-président de l'analyse des données de Facebook.

«Chaque fois qu'une guerre éclate, il y a une forte augmentation de la violence graphique», a déclaré Schultz aux journalistes au siège de Facebook.

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 La guerre civile en Syrie a éclaté en 2011. Elle s'est poursuivie cette année avec des combats entre les rebelles et l'armée du président syrien Bachar al-Assad. Ce mois-ci, Israël a attaqué l'infrastructure militaire iranienne en Syrie.

Facebook, la plus grande entreprise de médias sociaux au monde, n'a jamais publié auparavant de données détaillées sur les types de publications qu'elle retire pour avoir enfreint ses règles.

Facebook n'a développé que récemment les métriques comme un moyen de mesurer ses progrès et les changerait probablement au fil du temps, a déclaré Guy Rosen, son vice-président de la gestion des produits.

«Ces types de mesures peuvent aider nos équipes à comprendre ce qui arrive réellement à plus de 2 milliards de personnes», a-t-il déclaré.

L'entreprise a pour politique de supprimer le contenu qui glorifie la souffrance des autres. En général, il laisse la violence graphique avec un écran d'avertissement si elle a été publiée dans un autre but.

Facebook interdit également les discours de haine et a déclaré avoir pris des mesures contre 2,5 millions de contenus au premier trimestre, en hausse de 56% un trimestre plus tôt. Il a déclaré que l'augmentation était due à des améliorations de la détection.

La société a déclaré au premier trimestre qu'elle avait pris des mesures contre 837 millions de contenus pour spam, 21 millions de contenus pour la nudité adulte ou l'activité sexuelle et 1,9 million pour la promotion du terrorisme. Il a déclaré avoir désactivé 583 millions de faux comptes.